Last summer I taught my first workshop at a babyshower. It was a lot of fun to do, and the ladies liked the results as well, so I would love to do more! It was a surprise for the mother-to-be, so together with the grandmother-to-be I came up with this […]
I immediately made another felt pendant necklace. This one is bright red with white dots, stitched with red and white floss and two white glass beads added. I will be listing it in my shop too. mushroom necklace
A little boy who’s nuts about mushrooms has his birthday coming up, and besides getting him a ‘real’ present I wanted to make him a mushroom. Since he’s turning 2 it needed to be pretty sturdy, and in bright fairy-tale-mushroom colours. (this one is loosely based on the mushrooms of […]
A while ago I showed these toadstools with a promise to explain how I made them. So even though it’s been a while; here is the tutorial 🙂 Note: these aro not toys. I let my boys play with them gently, and the toadstools are ok with that, but they […]
UPDATE: go here for the tutorial! These are some toadstools I made last autumn. They looked cute on the seasonal table, between my pretty bright orange pumpkin and my boy’s chestnuts. They are very easy to make; when I have the time I’ll make a little DIY tutorial. toadstool felt