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A brand new batch of gemstone earrings

Last weekend I carried my gemstone bead stash out onto the patio (I sell beads here so there is some considerable stash), sat down and had a lot of fun putting together these earrings. I could not believe how long it had been since I did this (years!) but luckily jewellery making turns out to be one of those ‘riding a bicicle’ type things and I hadn’t forgotten how.
I especially like how the green one turned out. And also the donuts: I love those beads and thought they would look best just by themselves.
Ironically I hardly ever wear jewellery myself so these, like most I make, will either end up as gifts or in the shop (Etsy / DaWanda). *EDIT: they’ve all been added to the shops now!

Studio Paars - handmade gemstone earrings / handgemaakte edelsteen oorbellen

Studio Paars - handmade gemstone earrings Rose Quartz/ handgemaakte edelsteen oorbellen Rozenkwarts

Studio Paars - handmade gemstone earrings Brecciated Jasper/ handgemaakte edelsteen oorbellen

Studio Paars - handmade gemstone earrings Snowflake Obsidian donuts/ handgemaakte edelsteen oorbellen Sneeuwvlok Obsidiaan

Studio Paars - handmade gemstone earrings Brecciated Jasper donuts/ handgemaakte edelsteen oorbellen

Studio Paars - handmade gemstone earrings / handgemaakte edelsteen oorbellen

Studio Paars - handmade gemstone earrings / handgemaakte edelsteen oorbellen

gemstone earrings

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