So I thought it would be nice to give away some sort of free pattern here on my blog. Since it’s resurrection I haven’t had any of those. And what better time than this season of holidays and gift-giving? I wanted to make something not too christmassy but sort of […]
I know, hexies are só 2010 🙂 But ever since the hype started I have been wanting to give them a try anyway. So when I spotted these these hexie templates at the Handwerkbeurs last month I just had to buy them. I thought they were a bit pricey but […]
After the Christmas Gnome I also made a Sinterklaas! I sometimes link up at these parties: [foogallery id=”3993″] make sinterklaas
After a couple of stressfull weeks I decadently made some time today for doing a bit of crafting. With some of my favourite music on and a table filled with beautiful crafty materials I got to work. There are few things that work this well for me, for clearing my […]
A few years ago already now I made the pattern for this little owl. For some reason it became sort of forgotten, until recently when I used it during a wonderful babyshower and I started liking it all over again. I made so many of them over recent years, even […]
Last summer I taught my first workshop at a babyshower. It was a lot of fun to do, and the ladies liked the results as well, so I would love to do more! It was a surprise for the mother-to-be, so together with the grandmother-to-be I came up with this […]
Recently I made this laptop bag for myself. I’m calling it a prototype since making it was a real learning experience and I made several mistakes. But I do like the results: it’s practical (I use it everyday) and I LOVE the fabric (Ikea). To make it I just cut […]
I finished it! (click here to see the whole lengthy process) Actually, I finished it back in August, but Little Brother immediately carried it off to his bed so I didn’t get around to photographing it until now. He absolutely loves it! This has been the most rewarding thing I […]
I did not post regular updates as I had planned, but here finally is one on my second patchwork blanket (or should I call it a quilt?). I’m in the final stages of quilting: maybe about 30 minutes of sewing left. Then it just needs binding and a label like my […]
Lately I have been having some sort of blogger’s block. It’s not that I don’t have anything I would like to blog about; there is plenty going on around here, both on the crafty front and on others. No, it’s more that whenever there is something I would like to […]
(EDIT: click here to see the final result!) It took me only 3 years to finish it, but I made Big Brother a quilted patchwork blanket. Obviously Little Brother had to have one too, so I have been hoarding collecting fabric for his for a while now. I decided on […]
For the Craft Fair I did in october (for which I still owe you a report – sorry!) I made a bunch of these bunting lines. I liked them a lot but didn’t sell any so now I am offering them for sale through either my etsy or dawanda shop, […]
Lately I have been making lots more of my little embroidered patchwork pincushion (pictured below) and had a lot of fun with them, in choosing the prints, embroidery and buttons for each one. So I thought maybe it would be nice to make a tutorial for them. They’re not hard […]
EDIT: click here to go to the latest post on my little owl pattern or here to purchase directly. There has been a lot of response to my request for pattern testers: thank you all for your interest! I had a couple of very good suggestions that I will certainly […]